Huskies and pomeranians are super popular breeds, but do huskies get along with pomeranians, or should this combination be avoided?
Huskies and pomeranians share very similar personalities and can be quite compatible in theory, but a few major hurdles make this pairing very difficult. The main one is the husky’s prey drive, which makes them prone to chasing small animals like the pomeranian.
There are several other potential problems as well, and in this guide, I’ll take you through all of these and what is needed for these two breeds to live together in harmony.
Let’s get into it.
5 Potential Problems With Huskies And Pomeranians
Here are five issues that make it challenging to keep pomeranians and huskies together.
Want to see how huskies and pomeranians compare? Check out our article here.
1. Prey Drive
The primary issue with huskies and pomeranians is the husky’s prey drive.
Huskies have a powerful prey drive, so they are prone to chasing small animals without a second thought.
If they decide to chase a small animal, it’s extremely hard to recall them, and it can be dangerous for the animal being chased if they get bitten.
This makes it hard to keep huskies with any small animals like cats, and it also applies in the case of the pomeranian.
Even if your husky is well socialized, there will always be a risk of their prey drive taking over with a pomeranian.
2. Fighting For The Position Of Alpha
Another big problem that can be faced between these two dog breeds is fighting for the position of alpha.
Both huskies and pomeranians have a pack mentality due to their background as Spitz-type dogs and will fight for the position of the alpha because of this.
You might not expect this from a dog as small as the pomeranian, but they have a much bigger personality than you would expect and have no issue standing up to much larger dogs like the husky.
This can obviously lead to problems and put the pomeranian in danger. This type of behavior is more common amongst male-male pairings and less in male-female or female-female pairings.
3. Fighting For Attention
The fight for your attention can also be very apparent between these two breeds.
Pomeranians are notorious for wanting all the attention they can get, and it can get tricky with more than one dog.
Huskies are not as needy for attention, but they still like spending time with their owners and naturally gravitate to one person they view as the alpha.
Pomeranians can struggle if your attention is divided, which can also lead to friction with other dogs.
4. Exercise Differences
Pomeranians need moderate exercise -around 30 minutes per day – whereas huskies need at least 2 hours of exercise a day.
This can lead to a few issues:
- The husky could potentially hurt the pomeranian when they are running around and burning off excess energy.
- The pomeranian might get jealous that you are spending more time with the husky when meeting their higher exercise requirements.
- The pomeranian might get exhausted trying to keep up with the husky’s high energy levels.
It’s a lot easier to have dogs with similar exercise requirements, like a husky and German shepherd, so they can be exercised together.
5. Size Difference
There is a huge size difference between the husky and pomeranian.
When fully grown, huskies weigh anywhere from 35 to 60 lbs, while pomeranians only reach 3 to 7 lbs.
This can make life difficult for the pom, especially with how energetic and friendly huskies can be. Some poms especially don’t like it when other dogs invade their personal space and can feel threatened easily, which again can lead to conflict.
If Raised Together From Young
If a husky and a pomeranian are raised together from a young age, there’s a good chance that they will be compatible.
This requires the husky’s prey drive to be very small towards the pom and also for an alpha to be established without causing friction between the two, ideally, with a male-female or female-female pairing.
In these rare cases where these factors aren’t a big issue, there are actually many things going for these two dogs getting along well.
Let’s take a look at them:
Similar Personalities
As Spitz-type dogs, huskies and pomeranians actually share a lot of the same personality traits that are common amongst these types of dogs:
- Independent and stubborn at times – Spitz dogs can be very stubborn and independent. They like time on their own and will choose to listen to you when they feel like it.
- Not easy to train – These breeds are not interested in pleasing their owners, making obedience training difficult.
- Energetic – Most Spitz-type dogs have a lot of energy due to their working backgrounds, and both huskies and poms are very energetic, although huskies are more so.
Sharing similar personality traits does make it easier for these two to get along, but it does make things like obedience training very, very difficult.
Social Breeds
Huskies and poms are very sociable despite liking time on their own every now and then.
They love to meet new people and spend time with their family, which makes them ideal family dogs. They’ll also love to spend time with each other, assuming the other obvious issues have been addressed.
Can You Train A Husky To Get On With A Pomeranian?
You can’t exactly train a husky to get on with a pomeranian, as their prey drive is a natural instinct and isn’t something that you can ‘train’ away.
It’s more a combination of early socialization and understanding how your husky reacts to other small animals. Some huskies have lower prey drives than others, and there are many stories of huskies living perfectly fine with other small animals without any problems.
Are There Any Other Small Breeds Huskies Can Get Along With?
There’s always a risk of the prey drive taking over with huskies and other small dogs, and that’s just the reality of the situation when it comes to huskies and small dogs.
Early socialization is crucial, and there are numerous cases of huskies living perfectly fine with other small animals like cats and small dogs; it really depends on the specific case.
At the end of the day, the only person who truly knows their husky is you as the owner, so the risk is yours to take. Being aware of the consequences is important, and raising them together from a young age is the best way to minimize the risk.
In Summary
Huskies and pomeranians have very similar personalities thanks to being Spitz-type dogs, which does make them compatible on paper.
The major issue with keeping these two dogs together is the husky’s prey drive and several other small problems like fighting for attention and the obvious size and exercise differences.
If the husky is well-socialized and has been raised around other small animals, there is a real possibility that this combination could work. However, you need to be aware of the potential problems as a responsible owner.
If you’re interested in learning about other dog breeds that huskies are compatible with, check out some of our other articles below: