Siberian Husky Finnish Lapphund Mix: Complete Profile

The Siberian Husky Finnish Lapphund mix is a rare mix between two Spitz-type dogs, resulting in an adorable, fluffy mix that requires a lot of exercise and loves spending time with the family.

They are not ideal for first-time owners due to how hard they can be to train and how much exercise they need each day, but if you’re up for the task, they are an incredibly loyal and unique dog that will reward you every day.

Stay tuned to learn all about the Siberian Husky Finnish Lapphund mix.

Quick Overview

  • Other Names: Lapphusky, Lappsky
  • Average Lifespan: 10 to 14 years
  • Average Height: 18 to 22 inches
  • Average Weight: 35 to 60 lbs
  • Coat appearance: Medium to long thick double coat, lots of color variation
  • Activity Level: 2 hours minimum each day
  • Grooming Frequency: Frequent grooming is required thanks to the thick double coat
  • Typical Temperament: Very loyal but can be independent and wary of strangers
  • Daily Food Consumption: Moderate
  • New Owner Friendly: Very demanding mix for new owners due to grooming and exercise needs
  • Suitable to live with children? Good with children but does require some training to set boundaries
  • Suitable to live with other dogs? Usually fine, but can benefit from being socialized from an early age
  • Suitable to live with cats? Must be socialized from an early age due to high prey drive


The Siberian Husky Finnish Lapphund mix is incredibly rare, and there is lots of variation in how they look.

You can expect a smaller dog than the husky in height, with more Agouti, blonde, or tan colors in the coat.

The Spitz-type features remain strong due to the parent breeds, with the only other noticeable difference being the facial expression. This mix tends to have a more ‘friendly’ look thanks to the Finnish Lapphund, rather than the wolf-like appearance of the husky.

To get a better idea of what you can expect, let’s take a look at the parent breeds to see how they compare.

Siberian Husky Appearance

Siberian Huskies have a classic wolf-like appearance, with several Spitz-type features. These include erect ears, a thick double coat, and curled tails.

Huskies come in many different colors and patterns, including all white, red and white, Agouti, and many more.

A husky with parti-colored eyes

Their piercing eyes can also come in various colors, from blue to brown and everything in between.

The overall build of the husky is very slender, allowing them to be capable of incredible feats of endurance while pulling sleds across long distances in harsh terrain.

Finnish Lapphund Appearance

Finnish Lapphunds have many of the same features as the husky, as they are also a Spitz-type dog, including a thick double coat, pointed ears, and a fluffy curled tail.

A Finnish Lapphund in a forest with its tongue out

The main difference is the size; Finnish Lapphunds are considerably shorter than huskies, with a stockier build.

Their facial expression and shape take after the Pomeranian, more than the wolf-like expression of the husky.

You can learn more about the differences between these two breeds in our guide here.

Average Size

The Siberian Husky Finnish Lapphund mix is shorter and stockier than your average Siberian Husky, with an average height of 18 to 22 inches and a weight of 35 to 60 lbs.

Coat Appearance

The coat of this mix will always be thick, double-coated, and medium to long in length.

A double coat is split into two layers: a dense, wooly undercoat that provides insulation and an overcoat of long guard hairs that protects the fur and skin below from debris and moisture.

Many color combinations are possible, as well as markings. You only have to take a look at the accepted colors on the AKC standard for the Siberian Husky and Finnish Lapphund to get an idea of the possibilities (these are only the accepted colors as well; many more are possible).

Grooming Guide

Grooming is essential for any dog with a double coat, and given how long and thick the coat of the Lappsky is, keeping it in good condition is a vital part of owning this dog.

A few times per week, you should groom their coat fully, which involves a few steps and will take around 20 minutes:

  • The grooming process starts with a slicker brush, which is designed to target the undercoat and remove loose hairs.
  • After that, use a dematter comb, which gently removes stubborn tangles with a serrated edge.
  • A gentle undercoat rake is then used to target the undercoat further and get rid of any remaining loose hairs.
  • Lastly, a general grooming comb is used to get rid of any loose hairs or matter areas.

You can find a full rundown of this process here.

During the coat-blowing season, you may have to groom a Lappsky multiple times daily to help them shed their undercoat.


Double-coated breeds don’t need bathing as often as you would think, as it interferes with the oils and natural function of the coat.

You should only bathe the coat of the Siberian Husky Finnish Lapphund mix when it is too dirty for the dog to clean itself (they will groom themselves often).

This should be done a couple of times yearly at most, as frequent bathing can dry the skin and coat and lead to several problems.

Nai Trimming

As a highly active mix, nail trimming should only be done sparingly if the nails grow too long.

This will depend on how often they are exercised on hard surfaces versus soft.

Is The Siberian Husky Finnish Lapphund Mix Hypoallergenic?

No dog breed is actually hypoallergenic, although some can be better for people with allergies if they shed less.

Lappskies shed frequently, especially if they’re blowing coat, so they are not advised for people with allergies.


Temperament is one of the most important aspects of choosing the right type of dog for your lifestyle.

Thankfully, the Siberian Husky and Finnish Lapphund share many similar personality traits as Spitz-type dogs, which makes it easier to predict how the mix will behave.

Friendly & Sociable

The Lappsky is an incredibly friendly and social breed, as both parents love to spend time around people and other dogs.

Finnish Lapphunds can be more wary of strangers, so there is the possibility that the Lappsky could be hesitant around new people, but this does depend on the inherited traits. Huskies are the opposite and incredibly friendly even with strangers, so it will vary between individuals.

High Prey Drive

A high prey drive is inevitable with this breed, as both parents have a high prey drive.

This means that the Lappsky will be prone to chasing after small animals instinctually, including cats, other small dogs, and animals like rats or squirrels.

With breeds with a high prey drive, keeping them on a leash when possible is important to keep them out of harm’s way.

Stubborn Tendencies

Spitz-type dogs are known for being stubborn and independent, and the Lappsky is no exception to this rule.

Lappskies will almost always be stubborn, which means that they won’t have a high drive to please their owners and will choose when to listen to you and when to not.

Stubborn breeds can be challenging for first-time owners as they are so different from your ‘average’ dog, but this unique personality is why so many people (myself included) love them.


Lappskies are intelligent, but in their own way.

This may sound confusing, but you need to understand how dog intelligence is rated.

Typically, dog breeds will be taught a trick or command and then asked to repeat it. Stanley Coren’s The Intelligence of Dogs is an excellent example of this.

The parent breeds of the Lappsky don’t do well on these tests because they are stubborn, not because they don’t understand what they are asked.

So, Lappskies are very intelligent, but getting them to listen to you is a different challenge altogether.


Another critical part of the Lappsky’s temperament is being vocal.

Huskies and Finnish Lapphunds are both quite vocal, with huskies being even more vocal and howling at almost every opportunity.

Expect a Lappsky to howl, cry, or even ‘speak’ at least several times per day.

Highly Active

Huskies and Finnish Lapphunds have a very active lifestyle thanks to their backgrounds as working dogs, so you can expect to exercise a Lappsky for at least 2 hours every day to keep them happy.

This is obviously a big commitment and not something that everybody can meet.

Prone To Boredom & Separation Anxiety

If a Lappsky doesn’t get enough exercise, they can become bored quickly, and they are not suited to being left alone for long periods because of this and how social they are.

Avoiding destructive behaviors is a vital part of owning this mix. It is done by exercising them regularly, providing lots of mental stimulation, and ideally, not being out of the house for long periods regularly.

Is The Siberian Husky Finnish Lapphund Mix A Good Family Dog?

Lappskies are great family dogs, but there are several things to keep in mind before you decide to get one:

  • Hard to keep with cats or other small dogs unless socialized together from a young age due to the high prey drive.
  • Need to teach boundaries with younger children and never leave them alone unsupervised. Aggression is highly unlikely, but they might bump into them accidentally due to excessive energy.
  • Only suited for the most active of families due to the minimum 2-hour requirement of exercise every day.

Simply put, Lappskies are great for active families that have time and understand their personalities.

Are They Easy To Train?

The stubborn trait of the Lappsky means that this dog is very difficult to train.

Obedience training should still be part of your regular routine as it’s a great form of mental stimulation, but it will take longer to teach them commands, and they won’t repeat them 100% of the time either.

In practical terms, relying on things like recall training should not be done, and you should always use a collar or harness in unsecured places to keep them safe.

How Much Do They Cost?

The Lappsky is not a well-established mix, so prices can vary greatly, and it’s more likely that you would find one of these dogs in a rescue or shelter than anywhere else.

That being said, huskies are pretty expensive, and so are Finnish Lapphunds, so you could easily expect a puppy from a breeder to cost over $1,000, but the odds of coming across a breeder are minimal.

In Summary

Lappskies are a challenging mix to own; they’re stubborn, require a lot of exercise, and are not suited to being alone much.

Experience with Spitz-type breeds will put you in a much better position to take care of this dog properly, and if you’re able to, you’ll be rewarded with an incredibly loyal and loving dog that wants to spend as much time with you as possible.

Not only that, but their quirky behavior will keep you entertained all day long.

If you’re interested in learning about more husky mixes, you can check out some of our recent articles below:

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About The Author

Caitlin is the owner and lead writer for The Malamute Mom. She has over 10 years of experience with Alaskan Malamutes and Huskies. She is currently working on getting her PhD in materials science but continues to write for The Malamute Mom in her spare time.

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