Why Does My Husky Eat Grass? (7 Reasons & Solution)

Vet Approved

This article has been fact-checked by Dr. Dilber Hussain, DVM, to ensure we're providing the most up-to-date guidance. READ MORE

If you ever see your husky eating grass, there’s no need to panic. Most huskies will eat grass at some point in their lifetime, and in the majority of cases, no consequences come because of it.

The seven most common reasons for this are listed below:

  1. Anxiety
  2. Some huskies eat grass simply because they can
  3. Upset stomach
  4. Boredom
  5. They might like the taste
  6. Lacking fiber
  7. Husky puppies may eat grass out of curiosity

Keep reading to explore each of these points in detail, as well as what you can do to help stop your husky from eating grass.

7 Most Common Reasons Why Your Husky Eats Grass

Here’s a list of the seven most common reasons for huskies eating grass.

1. Your Husky May Be Anxious

The simple answer to why your husky eats grass is that it can help them feel better. While this may not be the most scientific reason, there is more to it than just their tummy feeling empty.

Huskies are very sensitive animals and can easily be stressed out or anxious. This can lead to them eating grass, as well as many other behaviors like pacing, whining, or throwing a tantrum. If your husky is eating grass because they’re feeling anxious, then you may want to try some calming treats or toys to help them relax.

When humans are stressed or anxious, we often resort to biting our fingernails or raiding the fridge. It’s not because we’re hungry. Something in the action soothes us and makes us feel calmer. It’s like that with dogs too.

Your husky needs constant attention and stimulation from you, which can cause them to get bored or stressed easily when home alone. And, of course, when huskies are bored or anxious, they often turn to destructive behaviors like chewing on things or going through trash bins looking for something interesting to play with.

Next time you see your husky eating grass, consider if they’ve recently had a change in their routine that could have caused them to become stressed.

2. Some Do It Because They Can

There are several reasons why your husky may resort to eating grass, opportunity and curiosity included.

Huskies are very intelligent dogs, and they like to do things that challenge their minds. If you’ve ever seen a husky playing with a ball or fetch, you know how much fun it can be for them!

Huskies are always looking for something new to do, and when they get bored, they will find ways to entertain themselves and keep their minds active. Eating grass could simply be a new activity for them to try.

3. Huskies Eat Grass for Upset Stomach

It’s a natural reflex for huskies to eat grass when they have an upset stomach, but this behavior goes beyond just feeling queasy.

If your husky is eating grass and has an upset stomach, it’s likely due to something he ate. Several common foods can cause such a reaction, including dairy products, fatty meats, and certain vegetables.

Huskies who have eaten something that doesn’t agree with them will often eat grass as a way to help alleviate nausea or vomiting. The fiber found in the grass can also help relieve diarrhea and constipation in dogs who are experiencing these symptoms.

If it appears that your husky is trying to make themself sick by eating grass, please watch them carefully and take them to a vet if their health appears to decline.

In the vast majority of cases, this behavior is caused by eating bad food. However, sometimes an underlying health issue may be present.

4. Your Husky May Be Bored

A husky that eats grass may be bored. Huskies are very active and need a lot of exercise. If they don’t get enough, they will find other ways to entertain themselves, such as chewing on things in the house or eating vegetation.

You should be able to tell if your husky is bored by observing how much time they spend playing or interacting with you. If you think that your husky isn’t getting enough exercise or attention from you, try increasing both of these things.

Another tip is to make sure they have plenty of toys to play with if you leave them alone during the day. Huskies thrive on attention and will need extra stimulation when alone to prevent them from becoming bored.

A husky laid in some grass

If you notice other signs of boredom, such as yawning excessively, chewing on things, digging holes, or trying to escape from the yard, it’s safe to say that it could be because they need more to occupy them!

Boredom can also occur because of their diet. We often give our huskies the same food day after day, but maybe the food they eat is no longer satisfying.

Try switching to a new flavor of food, ideally from the same brand, to prevent stomach issues, and see if this stops them from eating grass. You can also offer whole foods like chicken, rice, or fish (ideally cooked with bones removed).

5. Your Husky Might Like The Taste

Another possible reason your husky is eating grass is that they just find it tasty. Dogs have around 1,700 taste buds and can taste sweet, salty, bitter, and sour things. This means that your husky might enjoy the grassy flavor, no matter how gross it seems to us.

The taste of grass varies from plant to plant but is generally quite mild, so it isn’t surprising that dogs would like it.

Taste buds aren’t the only thing that can influence your husky’s taste preferences. Dogs also have a strong sense of smell, which allows them to detect pheromones, hormones, and other chemicals released by other animals.

They use this sense for hunting and communication, so it makes sense that they would also enjoy food with a strong scent or flavor.

6. Your Husky Might Be Lacking Fiber

Huskies eating grass may indeed mean they are not getting the nutrients they need from their regular diet. However, it can also be an indication of a lack of fiber and/or calcium in their food.

Huskies are known to eat grass as a supplement to their diet because it is high in B vitamins (like folic acid), which help with energy levels, as well as fiber and calcium, both of which have been shown to aid digestion.

If you think this may be the case, consider talking to a vet who can help suggest a new diet or food brand that has sufficient nutrients to support a husky.

7. Husky Puppies Do It Because They’re Curious

You should also be aware that puppies are naturally curious about their environment and everything in it. They’re still learning about the world around them, so grass might just be something new for them to investigate.

It’s not a bad idea to let your puppy eat grass from time to time, especially if he has a sensitive stomach. Some huskies develop an intolerance or allergy to certain types of food as they age; this can cause digestive distress or other health issues if the problem isn’t addressed early on.

Eating grass may help your pup digest his food more easily, which could prevent future problems down the line!

Is It Something To Worry About?

If your husky is eating grass, it’s usually not something to worry about.

It’s pretty normal for not just huskies but most dogs to eat grass, and in fact, it is referred to as normal behavior by veterinarians.

If your husky is eating grass excessively, or experiencing vomiting and diarrhea frequently alongside eating grass, then this is a sign that something is wrong.

How To Stop Your Husky From Eating Grass

If your husky is eating grass frequently but otherwise seems to be in good health, then you need to make sure you are meeting the care requirements, as this behavior is often seen if they are bored or hungry:

  • Exercise – Your husky should be exercised 2 hours per day with moderate to intense exercise like jogging or hiking. Tiring your husky out will help to prevent boredom and anxiety.
  • Nutrition – Make sure you are meeting the nutritional needs of your husky. Commercial dog food should be nutritionally complete, and if you are feeding raw, ensure you understand their requirements properly.
  • Offer foods to settle their stomachCooked white rice is a great option to offer your husky to settle their stomach.
  • Take steps to deal with separation anxiety – If your husky suffers from separation anxiety, this may be causing them to eat grass. Avoid leaving them outside alone if they suffer from it, and take steps to deal with it.

Even if you follow all of these steps, your husky may still eat grass from time to time simply because they like the taste.

As we said before, this is a major issue.

If It Becomes a Problem, Talk to Your Vet

Some health concerns can lead your husky to eat grass more often than usual such as intestinal parasites and worms, causing them to want to eat more fiber in their diet.

You should always talk to your vet if you’re concerned about your husky’s health.

A veterinarian will be able to look for underlying problems that might be causing your husky to eat grass and address them as necessary.

In Summary

Most of the time, huskies eating grass is not a cause for concern. They may do so because they are bored, anxious, or have an upset stomach. Some huskies like the taste of grass and will eat it as a treat.

You should be cautious about the type of grass they are eating. Some types of grass can be toxic for huskies and cause illness.

If your husky eats grass daily or multiple times a week, talk to your vet about possible reasons why this may be happening.

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About The Author

Caitlin is the owner and lead writer for The Malamute Mom. She has over 10 years of experience with Alaskan Malamutes and Huskies. She is currently working on getting her PhD in materials science but continues to write for The Malamute Mom in her spare time.

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