When Do Husky Puppies Start Shedding? Top Shedding Tips!

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Is there anything more adorable than a soft, fluffy, husky puppy coat? If there is, I haven’t found it yet. Of course, your puppy won’t be a fluffy ball of fur forever; but when do husky puppies start shedding?

Eventually, usually between 10 to 14 months old, your pooch will start to shed and lose their fluffy puppy coat, and replace it with an adult husky coat. 

When Husky Puppies Start Shedding

Huskies usually start shedding between 10 and 14 months old. At this age, they’ve left the comfort of their mother, and her warmth. In the wild, they would be hunting on their own, and require more protection from the elements.

This is also the age when the puppy begins to physically develop into an adult.

Their growth slows once they reach 6 months old, but continues until they are about 2. They reach sexual maturity at 9-11 months old.

In short, your husky is a teen when they lose their puppy coat. They are leaving their puppyhood behind and joining the world of adult dogs.

Difference Between Puppy And Adult Husky Shedding

The shedding process is similar in many ways, regardless of your pooch’s age.

However, there are a few important differences between puppy and adult husky shedding.

Difference Between A Puppy Coat And Adult Coat

Husky puppies have an undercoat, and no top coat, which is also known as guard hair. Their puppy coat is designed to keep them warm, but it doesn’t offer the same protection as an adult coat.

When they shed their puppy coat, it is replaced with an adult double coat. This means they have an undercoat, which is very similar to their puppy coat.

On top of this puppy coat, they have their topcoat or guard hairs. These hairs are coarser and longer than the undercoat.

The undercoat provides insulation, which keeps them warm in cold temperatures. The topcoat provides some protection from the elements, as well as the temperature.

It acts as a barrier between the pooch and the outside air, which can keep them warm in winter and cooler in the summer.


Adult huskies will shed their coat twice a yea rin the spring and fall. in a process known as blowing coat.

This allows them to prepare for the changing weather conditions. They grow a thicker undercoat in the winter, and a lighter undercoat for the summer months.

Puppies don’t shed based on the season. Instead, they shed based on their age. Once they begin to grow out of the puppy stage, they lose their puppy coat.

Look Of The Coat When Shedding

Adult huskies can look slightly unkempt when shedding, but for the most part, they look normal.

A shedding puppy looks quite different. They may have patches of puppy fur, and areas where the puppy fur has given way to an adult coat.

This can make them look a little odd, but it’s only temporary, and part of the natural shedding process.

Changes To The Coat

We know that the coat changes when a puppy sheds, because they get their adult coat. However, the color of your pooch can also change. Huskies typically get lighter when they get their adult coat, but this varies.

Your pooch may get lighter, darker, or remain virtually the same when they shed their puppy fur.

A brown husky puppy in a field

Once they have their adult coat, it’s unlikely you’ll see a dramatic shift in colors, although the fur can lighten a bit with age.

The texture of the coat changes as well. The soft undercoat will be replaced with a coarser top coat. Once they have their adult coat, the texture and length of their coat will remain the same.

How To Help Your Husky Puppy With Shedding

Even though your husky puppy will lose their puppy coat, it’s still important to care for it.

This will help their adult coat come in properly, and make the process easier for both of you.

Regular Grooming

It’s important to get your pup used to the grooming process from a young age.

Adult huskies require brushing at least twice a week. When they are shedding, you’ll need to brush them daily.

This also applies to shedding puppies. If they have a difficult time being still, you can split their grooming into a few shorter sessions throughout the day.

Make the process enjoyable by giving them praise and treats during the grooming process.

A soft brush can help remove any mats and dirt, and some shed puppy hair. A wide tooth comb is also helpful to prevent the fur from matting.

An undercoat rake or furminator is essential for adult huskies, because of their thick double coat. This type of tool is also helpful for grooming your puppy.


Huskies require infrequent baths. Generally, a bath once every 3 to 4 months is enough for them.

However, a bath can help remove shed hair. Use a gentle de-shedding shampoo, and groom them well after their bath.

If this is their first time, be sure to reward them and keep the experience positive.

Should They Visit A Professional Groomer?

You can certainly groom your husky pup at home, but some owners prefer to visit the groomer, particularly when their husky is shedding.

If you want to bring your husky to the groomer as an adult, it’s a good idea to introduce them to the groomer when they are young.

A red Siberian husky puppy carrying a stick in its mouth

Be sure that the groomer is friendly and patient, and has experience with shedding puppies.


Do Husky Puppies Shed A Lot?

Husky puppies will shed a lot of hair, as they are replacing their entire coat. Some puppies will shed more than others, just like adult huskies.

When you get a husky, shedding becomes a fact of life.

How Do I Stop My Husky Puppy From Shedding?

You don’t want to stop the shedding process. However, you can make it easier for both of you with proper grooming.

If you are finding hair everywhere, using a deshedding tool will remove the shed hair, and create less mess.

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About The Author

Hi, I’m Carrie! I’ve always had a special connection with nature, and animals of all shapes and sizes in particular. I’ve been a writer for nearly a decade and recently joined the Malamute Mom team. I love providing information to other dog lovers.

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