Huskies love to exercise – we all know this by now! But keeping them comfortable during their long walks and play sessions involves caring for their paws, something that is overlooked by a lot of people.
This involves trimming the hair between their pads, trimming the nails, regularly checking for debris between the pads, and moisturizing them when necessary to prevent cracking.
If you want to learn how to care for your Husky’s paws, as well as some tips for helping them in the winter and summer, then keep reading.
How To Care For Your Husky’s Paws In 4 Easy Steps
Caring for your Husky’s paws involves keeping them well-groomed. Not only will grooming keep them looking fresh, but it will also help to prevent injuries and discomfort in your Husky.
Follow these four steps to groom and care for your Husky’s paws correctly.
1. Trim The Hair Between The Paw Pads
The fur between your Husky’s paw pads can easily become matted.
Matted fur is very painful for a Husky as it pulls on their skin; this is particularly sensitive between their toes!
Keep the fur trimmed so that it is the same height as the paw pads, and make sure it is brushed frequently.
2. Keep Their Nails Trimmed
Nobody enjoys trimming their dog’s nails, but it must be done. A clear sign that your Husky’s nails are too long is if you can hear them scratching or clicking on the floor while they walk.
Trimming your Husky’s nails must be done right, and most vets will do it for you if they are very overgrown. We recommend reading this guide by the AKC for advice on how to trim your Husky’s nails safely.
3. Check Them For Debris And Injury
Huskies have a high exercise need, meaning their paws are put through a lot. It’s not uncommon for small rocks and other bits of debris to get stuck between their paw pads.
This debris and usually be removed with a pair of tweezers, but it’s important to check regularly to prevent discomfort and injury.
4. Moisturize To Prevent Cracking
Although most of us would never consider moisturizing our Husky’s paws, it’s actually very beneficial!
Moisturizing will make your Husky’s paw pads softer, which reduces the risk of them cracking and becoming injured. Make sure to use a dog-safe moisturizer, as Huskies tend to lick their paws. A small amount of coconut oil is our favorite to use.
It’s a good idea to start grooming your Husky’s paws from a young age to help them get used to it. It is normal for older Huskies who have never had their paws groomed before to show some signs of distress during the process.
Stick with it, though – grooming is an excellent bonding activity and must be done for your Husky’s health.
How To Care For Your Husky’s Paws In Winter
Huskies are undoubtedly winter dogs, but that doesn’t mean their paws don’t need a little help once it gets cold.
Your Husky will appreciate any help with protecting their paws as it means they will be able to keep exercising for long into the future.
Once the temperature starts to drop, your Husky’s paws become more susceptible to cracking.
Being in constant contact with cold surfaces while out on winter walks can dry their paw pads. We recommend keeping them well moisturized, both before and after walks, to make sure their paw pads remain soft.
Huskies love the cold, so it’s unusual for them to refuse to go out in it. If your Husky does seem reluctant, however, it could be because they have sensitive paws.
In this case, buying your Husky a set of dog boots could be the solution. It will take a while for your Husky to get used to wearing them but once they are comfortable, their feet will remain protected against the elements.
You might see other articles recommend that you use ice-melting products in your yard to make it more comfortable for your Husky to walk around.
We advise against these as they often contain harmful and toxic ingredients. Huskies tend to lick their feet frequently and could ingest some of these chemicals by accident as a result.
Keep in mind that Huskies have lived for many years in harsh conditions. Their paws are suited to cold weather, but a little help to prevent cracking will not be refused.
How To Care For Your Husky’s Paws During The Summer
Huskies are less suited to the heat, and their paws will need extra attention during warmer months.
The best thing you can do for your Husky’s paws during warm weather is not to allow them to walk on hot surfaces.
Road surfaces, in particular, such as concrete and tarmac, can get extremely hot under the sun. Allowing your Husky to walk over them may burn their sensitive paw pads.
Check if it is too warm to walk your Husky by standing barefoot on the ground for 5 seconds. If it’s too hot for you, then it’s certainly too hot for your Husky.
During the summer months, plan to walk your Husky early before the sun rises or late after the sun has set. This will give surfaces a chance to cool off, making them suitable for your Husky to walk on.
In Summary
Although Huskies are quite robust dogs, caring for their paws can make a big difference to their comfort levels during exercise.
Regular grooming and common sense will keep their paws healthy, so make sure you follow the 4 points above to keep them happy.
If you are concerned about the condition of your Husky’s paws, please consult a vet.