When Do Huskies Calm Down? (Are They Always Hyper?)

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This article has been fact-checked by Dr. Dilber Hussain, DVM, to ensure we're providing the most up-to-date guidance. READ MORE

Anybody who has ever owned a Siberian Husky understands just how active, and even hyper, they can be at times – but when do huskies calm down?

Huskies generally mature between 1 and 2 years old, but this isn’t a good indication of when they will calm down as this varies between individual huskies. Some huskies naturally have more energy than others, and most huskies already have a very high energy level to begin with, so they will only be calm if they are given an outlet to use up their energy.

People underestimate just how much energy huskies can have, and in this guide, I’ll explain where this energy comes from and some methods you can use to help calm your dog down if it’s becoming an issue.

Why Do Huskies Have So Much Energy?

Huskies have more energy than your average dog, there is no doubt about that.

This is because they were originally bred to be working dogs by the Chukchi people of Siberia, capable of pulling sleds for hours on end. It’s hardly surprising that when they are kept as pets their energy levels can become unbearable for some people.

Why Personality Matters

Personality is super important when it comes to how calm (or hyper) your husky is. Sure, huskies naturally have big energy reserves, but it does vary between individuals.

My old English Bulldog used to love going for walks around the woods and playing fetch, even though you would never expect this type of breed to be so active.

Storytime aside, some huskies will have more energy than others just like other breeds of dogs or humans. This is the main reason why it’s difficult to give an exact age when your husky will magically calm down – it just doesn’t work like that in the real world.

Other Important Factors That Affect Husky Energy Levels

Personality plays a big role, but there are other external factors that are also important.

These revolve around boredom and ensuring your husky is getting enough mental and physical stimulation to keep its energy levels satisfied.

Exercise Routine

Due to their working background, huskies have a high demand for exercise and if this isn’t met they will have lots of leftover energy to spend.

When I talk about high demand, I mean at least 2 hours of high-energy exercise per day and even more depending on the personality of your husky.

Mental Stimulation

Working breeds like the husky also require a lot more mental stimulation than your average dog.

Luckily, this is pretty easy to provide if you’re willing to put in a bit of effort. Here’s a list of my personal favorite methods of improving mental stimulation for my dogs:

  • Socialization – Spending time with other dogs is a great way for a husky to spend a lot of energy without you doing much work. It also provides good mental stimulation and is a great way to get your husky more used to spending time with other dogs.
  • Toys – Toys are a great way to enrich your husky’s life and provide mental stimulation. Chew toys are ideal if you are going to be leaving your husky alone for periods of time, and others like tug toys are great if you want a more hands-on approach.
  • Playing Fetch – Yes, I know this is super simple, but there’s nothing like playing fetch with your dog if you want to get them tired quickly. This will require a bit of training as huskies can be reluctant to give you the ball back right away, but it’s worth the effort.

Food (Diet)

Huskies rely on nutrition to fuel their high-energy drive, which is why choosing the right diet is crucial.

You not only want to make sure that the food you provide is high in nutrients but it’s also important to provide the right amount of food.

A red Siberian husky sticking its tongue out

Overfeeding leads to weight gain which can make your husky lethargic, whereas underfeeding will cause a dip in energy as they won’t have enough nutrients to fuel their energy.

A raw food diet can be a good option here or a high-quality dog food mix such as Orijen.

Time Left Alone

If your husky is left alone for most of the day one of two things is likely to happen:

  1. Your husky will store up the energy throughout the day and be even more excited than usual to see you. This can lead to the classic hyper behaviors that are often seen amongst dogs that are left alone for long periods of time.
  2. They will use the energy elsewhere, potentially damaging furniture and other items in the home. We’ve all experienced this when our dogs are teething, but this can happen with high-energy breeds like the husky into adulthood.

If you have no choice, I always recommend leaving several toys around that your husky actually knows how to play with to provide mental stimulation while you’re away. Leaving a husky alone for long periods of time is never a great idea though, as it creates separation anxiety that manifests in the common issues above.

Obedience Training

Obedience training can be highly beneficial for huskies as they are an intelligent breed. It has the added benefit of providing mental stimulation and an outlet for their high energy.

You can either do this yourself or you can hire a dog behaviorist to aid with the process. Training would ideally start young and start off with basic requirements such as crate training and socialization, before moving on to more advanced tactics.

Are Husky Puppies More Hyper?

Husky pups do tend to have more energy than mature huskies, and this can make them seem a lot more hyper. This happens for many reasons; not only do they eat a lot of food to aid in growth but they are also exploring their new surroundings and meeting new people and other animals.

Don’t worry though, this level of energy is likely to decline as your pup turns into an adult.

What Age Are Huskies Most Difficult?

It’s hard to say the exact age when huskies will be the most difficult because it depends on the personality of your husky.

Generally speaking, when your husky is a pup they’ll be more difficult in the sense that they are still learning how to behave properly, which is why training is crucial at this age.

Other issues like teething can also make things more problematic during this age, but this is the same for any breed of dog and not huskies in particular.


Will Neutering My Husky Calm Him Down?

Neutering has nothing to do with the personality of hyperactivity of a husky.

However, a neutered husky will be less aggressive and territorial due to a decrease in testosterone.

How Do You Calm Down A Husky At Night?

If your husky has difficulty sleeping at night you first need to check whether you are providing enough exercise and mental stimulation during the day.

If these are not the issue, there are a few other things you can do to get them to sleep:

  • Feed at least one hour before bed – Feeding near bedtime can encourage going to the toilet during the night.
  • Let them go to the toilet right before bed – Similarly to feeding your husky close to bedtime, you should let them go to the toilet before bed so they can settle through the night.
  • Sit with them for a while; cuddles and massages will help to relax your husky before it’s time to sleep.
  • Let them sleep near to you – As I mentioned earlier, husky separation anxiety is a real issue and your dog may find it easier to settle if they are allowed to sleep nearer to you.


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About The Author

Caitlin is the owner and lead writer for The Malamute Mom. She has over 10 years of experience with Alaskan Malamutes and Huskies. She is currently working on getting her PhD in materials science but continues to write for The Malamute Mom in her spare time.

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