You are concerned about your husky because they’ve just left a vomit gift on your floor. Should you panic? Why are they throwing up? What should you do?
If you are asking yourself these questions, you’re in the right place. We’ll discuss 11 reasons why your husky is throwing up, and what you should do.
Is It Normal For A Husky To Throw Up?
It’s not normal for your husky to throw up, but it’s not uncommon. In many cases, it’s just something that happens. They may have eaten something that disagreed with their stomach, or simply snacked on too much grass.
If your pooch vomits once and seems fine, you shouldn’t worry. If it’s accompanied by other symptoms or continues, then you have a cause for concern.
Vomiting VS Regurgitation
It’s important to differentiate between voting and regurgitation. When your husky vomits, they expel the contents of their stomach forcefully. The food is typically digested, at least partially.
When they regurgitate, the food will be undigested. You may notice that they have a cough or difficulty breathing. Instead of coming out forcefully, the contents will come up gently. Instead of coming up from the stomach, the contents come from the oesophagus.
11 Reasons Why Your Husky Is Throwing Up
There is a myriad of reasons why your husky might be vomiting. We will take a look at the 11 most common reasons for husky vomiting.
Reasons your husky is throwing up include:
- Dietary indiscretion
- Spoiled food
- Intestinal parasites
- Bacterial or viral infection
- Diseases and conditions
- Toxic substances
- Motion sickness
- Stress and anxiety
- Heatstroke
- Eating too fast
- Bloat
1. Dietary Indiscretion
Huskies are curious by nature, and they enjoy their meals. Sometimes this leads to dietary indiscretion, which simply means your pooch ate something that they shouldn’t have.
Just like you, your husky’s body will often expel things that aren’t good for them.
This can occur if your husky ate the wrong foods or a foreign object. Garbage or very fatty foods can trigger this type of vomiting. Foreign objects, like stones, hair, toys, and bones can also cause your husky to vomit.
If this is the cause, your pooch should vomit once or twice and stop. They shouldn’t have other symptoms, like a fever, lethargy, or prolonged nausea.
However, it’s possible for them to have diarrhea and vomiting if they consume very fatty foods.
2. Spoiled Food
Spoiled food is another potential reason for your pooch throwing up. Huskies are much less likely to get food poisoning than humans.
After all, they have evolved to eat raw meat and other questionable foods. Their stomach is highly acidic, which makes it difficult for food-borne bacteria and viruses to survive.
However, it is possible for them to get sick from salmonella and other types of food-borne bacteria. Moldy food poses a serious risk as well.
The symptoms of food poisoning include vomiting, fever, diarrhea, lethargy, and loss of appetite.
In some cases, your husky may develop severe symptoms, including shock, swollen lymph nodes, and a fast heart rate. Seizures, tremors, and a loss of coordination can also occur.
3. Intestinal Parasites
Intestinal parasites are another common cause of vomiting in huskies. Puppies typically have parasites, which is why deforming is part of routine puppy care. However, they can also occur in adult dogs.
Parasites can cause vomiting, diarrhea, a swollen abdomen, and unexplained weight loss. Other symptoms include scooting and coughing.
Parasites can be serious, particularly if they are left untreated. Some can spread from the digestive tract to other areas. This can cause severe coughing, and even affect your dog’s heart. Some can also be transmitted to humans.
If you suspect intestinal parasites, contact your vet. They will test your husky’s fecal matter, also known as poop. Then, they can prescribe the best treatment.
4. Bacterial or Viral Infections
We often think that vomiting is only caused by stomach issues, but many bacterial and viral infections can cause vomiting as well.
These include parvovirus, distemper, and even coronavirus. These viruses are contagious, so it’s important to get them treated quickly.
Signs of this type of infection include diarrhea, vomiting, and a high fever. They may also have lethargy and loss of appetite.
Some of these diseases also cause respiratory symptoms, including a runny nose, difficulty breathing, and coughing.
Distemper and parvovirus can be deadly. However, your husky should be vaccinated against these diseases if they receive routine veterinary care. Dogs are not vaccinated against coronaviruses, but these aren’t as serious.
5. Conditions and Diseases
There are several conditions and diseases that can cause vomiting in your husky. These include kidney disease or kidney failure, many types of cancer, and stomach ulcers.
Accompanying symptoms will vary, based on the disease your pooch has.
6. Toxic Substances
Unfortunately, your husky can consume toxic substances. Common toxins include rat poison, household medications, household cleaners, and toxic plants. Toxic houseplants include aloe, tomato, elephant ear, and lillies.
In addition to vomiting, these substances can cause diarrhea, loss of appetite, and unusually colored stool. They may also become hyper or lethargic, and lose their appetite.
Some toxins can cause easy bruising and bleeding. You may notice bruising on their stomach or other areas with little hair. They may have blood from their nose, gums, or in their urine.
7. Motion Sickness
If your husky throws up on car rides, motion sickness is likely the culprit. This is more common in puppies than in adult huskies.
However, it can also occur in adult dogs. This is particularly true if your adult husky isn’t accustomed to taking trips.
Motion sickness can occur due to the motion itself. This is common in younger dogs because their vestibular system isn’t completely formed. In older dogs, the combination of motion and excitement or unfamiliar sensations can trigger vomiting.
8. Stress and Anxiety
Stress and anxiety can also cause your husky to throw up. This phenomenon also occurs in humans. When you, or your husky, are under extreme stress, the body releases neurotransmitters that prepare the body to fight or flee.
This is known as the fight or flight response. You may know that this response causes physical symptoms, including increased heart rate, sweating, and faster breathing.
Some of these neurotransmitters make their way into the digestive tract as well. Once there, they can trigger vomiting and nausea. Other signs your pooch is stressed include cowering, lowering their tail, whining, and hiding or refusing to leave your side.
9. Heatstroke
Heatstroke is dangerous for dogs. In fact, it can be fatal. Because huskies have evolved to live in arctic conditions, they are more sensitive to heat than most breeds. Heatstroke occurs when your dog’s body temperature rises too high.
The most common cause of heatstroke is being left in a car on a hot day. However, being outdoors for long periods in the summer sun can also cause heatstroke.
The most common sign of heatstroke is excessive panting because your husky uses panting to cool down. Vomiting, diarrhea, and uncontrolled urination can also occur. They may also become hyperactive or lethargic. You may notice shaking, pale gums, and increased heart rate.
10. Eating Too Fast
One of the simplest causes of your husky vomiting is eating too fast. Huskies enjoy meal time, and they may gulp down their food. Eating too fast can cause your pooch to regurgitate or vomit. Unfortunately, this can lead to a cycle.
They vomit up their food, which makes them hungry. The hunger makes it more likely for them to eat too fast again, which can cause vomiting, again.
If your husky vomits shortly after eating, and eats quickly, this is probably the reason. You can remedy this by feeding them at least 2, and potentially 3, meals each day. A slow feeder bowl can also slow them down.
11. Bloat
Technically, bloat will not cause your dog to vomit. Instead, it causes them to retch, which means they are gagging but not producing vomit. Bloat is very serious, and can quickly be fatal without veterinary treatment. Other signs of bloat include stomach pain, bloating, and excessive drooling.
Bloat occurs when air gets trapped in your dog’s stomach. As their food digests, the air will increase. If they don’t get treatment, the air will cause pressure in the stomach to increase, which can cause the stomach to twist. Medium and large dogs are at a higher risk of bloat, so it’s important to watch for signs of bloat in your husky.
Eating too fast is also a risk factor. In addition to slowing down your husky’s meals, avoid exercising them for at least 30 minutes after eating.
How Often Do Huskies Throw Up Normally?
First, it’s important to know the difference between chronic and acute vomiting. Acute vomiting is also known as “regular” vomiting. This is the type that occurs when your husky eats the wrong thing or gets a stomach bug. They will be sick for a day or two, and then the vomiting stops.
Chronic vomiting, on the other hand, is an ongoing problem. If your pooch is puking daily for a week or longer, this is considered chronic vomiting. They may throw up several times each day, or only once.
If your husky throws up once or twice and appears fine, they are likely ok. However, if this pattern continues for several days, they need to be evaluated by their vet. If they throw up 3 or more times in 24 hours, this is also considered a sign that they need veterinary care.
When To Contact A Veterinarian
Most of the time, vomiting will resolve on its own. However, there are some causes of vomiting that require veterinary care.
Signs to call your vet or schedule an appointment:
- Vomiting 3 or more times
- Vomiting for more than 2 days
- Accompanied by fever, lethargy, diarrhea, or stomach pain
Signs of an emergency:
- Blood in vomit or diarrhea
- Dehydration
- Severe lethargy
- Loss of consciousness
- Signs of bloat
- Severe stomach pain
If your husky vomits more than two times in 24 hours, contact your vet. If they’ve been vomiting for more than 24 to 48 hours, this is another sign you should bring them to the vet. If they have other symptoms, including fever, lethargy, stomach pain, or diarrhea, they need to be examined by the vet.
Rarely, vomiting can indicate an emergency. Instead of making an appointment, you’ll need to get your husky to the vet or animal hospital immediately if they have blood in their vomit or diarrhea. Dehydration is another sign of an emergency. Dehydration will cause their gums and tongue to become pale or blue.
Bloat, which causes retching without vomiting and severe pain, can be fatal without prompt veterinary care. If they are severely lethargic, they need immediate care. This means that they are barely conscious, or refuse to get up. Of course, loss of consciousness is always an emergency. Lastly, if your husky is in intense pain, you should rush them to the vet.
It’s important to note that you know your husky best. Follow your instincts. If you are worried, call your vet. If you feel something serious is wrong, get them to an emergency hospital or vet.
What Does The Color Of Your Dog’s Vomit Tell You?
The color of your dog’s vomit can give you clues as to how worried you should be. Red, black, or dark brown is an indication that your husky is experiencing an emergency.
What Should I Tell The Vet?
It’s a great idea to write down everything you notice about your husky vomiting.
This includes what they’ve eaten, when and how often they puked, the color of vomit, and any other symptoms they have.
Can I Give My Husky Medication For Throwing Up?
Famotidine is safe for use in dogs. However, it’s best to contact your vet to learn the proper dosage, and to be sure it’s suitable for your pooch.
Can I Give My Husky Gatorade?
Drinks designed for dehydration, including Gatorade, Powerade, and Pedialyte, can help your dog get rehydrated.
Like medication, it’s best to contact your vet to be sure it’s ok for your husky. Your vet can also let you know how much they need.
What’s The Most Common Cause Of Dog Vomiting?
Dietary indiscretion is the most common cause of vomiting in dogs. This includes eating foods that aren’t good for them, and foreign objects.