Can Huskies Live In Texas? (6 Important Things To Consider!)

Vet Approved

This article has been fact-checked by Dr. Dilber Hussain, DVM, to ensure we're providing the most up-to-date guidance. READ MORE

It would be false to say that huskies thrive in hot climates like those found in Texas, but they are capable of adapting to warmer weather and can live there without many problems. When the temperature exceeds 70°F (21°C) you should take steps to minimise their exposure to the heat, and it is crucial to always provide a cool space and plenty of water.

If you take the time to learn about huskies in hot weather (including symptoms of heatstroke) and how to care for them properly you should have no issues keeping a husky if you live in Texas. Keep reading to learn 6 key tips for keeping huskies in Texas, as well as how they adapt to the temperature and when you should keep them inside.

How Hot Can Huskies Handle?

Huskies can adapt pretty well to hot environments (more on the specifics later), but when does the temperature become too hot to handle?

Huskies can tolerate up to 85°F (30°C) for short periods of time, however, when the temperature gets above 70°F (21°C) you should be taking steps to minimise their exposure to the heat. The real question is, however, how does this kind of temperature compare to the weather found in Texas?

Texas Weather

Texas is a vast state and the weather fluctuates drastically depending on the location. Here’s a quick summary of the averages for both temperature and humidity depending on location.


Southern cities in Texas have higher temperatures on average, with northern and eastern cities recording snowfall in the winter due to the lower temperatures in these regions.

In terms of summer temperature, however, almost all of Texas experiences hot summers. The average temperature during this season can easily exceed 100 degrees in many places, with the coolest average summer temperature being 76.5 degrees in Amarillo.

During the winter time, the temperature drops well below 70 degrees in most places in Texas, which is suitable for huskies to go outside and exercise.


Humidity also fluctuates a lot as you approach the gulf, and typically sits around 50-80% in most places in Texas.

Humidity is not as big of a problem as it would be in places like Florida, for example, as when it becomes very high it is more difficult for huskies to cool down.

How Huskies Adapt To Warm Environments

So, how do huskies – a breed originating in Siberia, capable of withstanding temperatures as cold as -75oF (-59oC) – withstand warmer climates like those found in Texas?

Double Coat

Huskies have a double coat, which essentially means that their fur has two layers – a short, dense undercoat and a long, coarse topcoat.

When it’s cold outside the short underlayer traps air for insulation, but here’s the trick, it can also trap cold air when it’s warm outside to keep your husky cool. Huskies also shed their undercoat in time for the summer in a process known as blowing coat.

During this time they will shed a ton of fur and become better suited for the warm weather to come.


Like other dogs, huskies will pant and sweat through their paws to cool down.

A husky sat with the sun behind it

This is why you should always provide fresh water access for your husky if you live in Texas; just like humans, they will get dehydrated quickly in the heat, especially during exercise.

6 Essential Things To Know About Owning Huskies In Texas

If you want to keep a husky in Texas then these 6 things are crucial to know.

1. Exercise When The Temperature Is Suitable

Keeping a track of the temperature outside is absolutely crucial. Huskies require a lot of exercise (ideally 2 hours per day), but when the temperature is too high it becomes dangerous.

If the temperature is above 70°F (21°C) then you need to limit the amount of time your husky goes outside. Consider taking your husky for several smaller walks and stick to areas with lots of shade, always taking plenty of water with you as well.

Checking the weather forecast the day before to plan longer walks or runs for the morning when the temperature is lower is a great way to get around this.

2. Keep A Fresh Supply Of Water

Dehydration is a real threat to your husky when the temperature is high, especially if you take them for exercise in the heat.

Due to this, your husky should always have access to fresh water, including on walks or runs.

3. Always Have A Cool Space For Your Husky

When the temperatures are high outside you need to provide a cool space for your husky to relax and stay comfortable.

Air conditioning is great for this or shaded areas of the house that receive a good flow of air. You should also consider getting a cooling bed which is just a dog bed that is elevated off the ground to allow air to flow underneath.

4. Learn The Key Symptoms Of Heatstroke

Huskies are susceptible to heatstroke, so understanding the symptoms of heatstroke is crucial in a place like Texas where the temperatures can get very high.

Key symptoms of heatstroke are dry, sticky or bruised gums, lethargy, elevated breathing rate and seizures. Heatstroke is most common when dogs are left in cars, but it can also happen during exercise as well.

If you suspect that your husky has heatstroke you need to get in touch with a veterinarian as soon as possible as it is an immediate medical emergency.

5. Groom Properly

Grooming is essential for huskies, especially in warm environments.

You should be grooming your husky once per day, and several times per day if they are blowing coat. If you want step-by-step instructions for this, check out our guide here.

Removing excess fur will help your husky stay cool in the warm weather and is absolutely vital if you want to keep a husky in Texas.

6. Don’t Shave Their Fur

You should never shave a husky.

Even though it might seem like a great idea in hot climates like those found in Texas, it creates more problems than it solves:

  • Exposes skin to sunlight which can quickly lead to burns.
  • Removes the ability of the fur to regulate temperature naturally.
  • It will likely not grow back the same.
  • The process of shaving itself is difficult and it is very easy to cut the skin.


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About The Author

Caitlin is the owner and lead writer for The Malamute Mom. She has over 10 years of experience with Alaskan Malamutes and Huskies. She is currently working on getting her PhD in materials science but continues to write for The Malamute Mom in her spare time.

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